Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Too Late.

Today is the gloomiest day in 2013.
Pretty ironic because this also happens to my birthday right now. Ha. I can't say this is the worst birthday yet, because a lot of things can also happen in the future and I really am sure by that. But my 17th birthday (more tragic) is one of the hella day.

To cut it short, my beloved grandmother died. Today.

I guess I should tell you about my current activities in the past 24 hours, while she was suffering from Izrail.

I woke up at 9 AM, third of the earliest time I woke up in holidays. My dad was just back home to wash himself, because of gymnastic sport time or whatever it was in his office. Still under my conciousness, he went back to his office again. I need such a big time to regain of what happened today, so I literally woke up at 11.

Nothing much to do actually. I just read my sister's novels, wash dishes, sort laundries, eat, and check my phones most of the time (oh, and watch EXO on Simply Kpop).

I don't know why but I don't feel anything strange when grandma died. No, I'm not a bad grandchild, totally not. Instead of bad feelings, I only got ready-to-work feels to make my parents' temper belowered just a bit, which was successful by the way.

I really have no idea what was going on, being a moron I am, when Mom told us that grandma died. The first word that came out from my mouth is "REALLY? YOU'RE NOT LYING RIGHT?" instead of Innalillahi. I thought that my mom lied or misconception of who died. But she's not. And for that I owned 30 minutes worth of Dad's madness. Not good at all.

Of course when I realized what actually happened, I only silenced. No words came out after Innalillahi. Then my sister screamed. My mom scold us to pray for grandma instead cried, my dad scold us for everything unrelated.

Another 30 minutes later, I went to my room, lock it, and cried.

I still remember until now, my dad's grandparents love me the most, according to my mom, dad, uncle, aunt, even my nephews are bit jealous of me. I got their affection the most when I was borned till I'm 4 years old. It's not a lie when I said that I forgot, but the fact that they loved me most makes me guilty because, I can't repay them with, anything.

My grandpa died when I was 6th grade in elementary, so it was 2008-2009ish? My dad was the most depressed among all of his siblings. I can't even make him smile in 6 consecutive months!

And grandma. Oh my sweet lovable grandma. The last time I saw her was 2010. I met her only a week because school starts a week after back then. The last time I contact her was, what do you know, 6 days ago. She told me she really miss me and my family, and ask us to come visit her. My dad can only replied with "When we have better financial condition".

But now, this morning actually, I'm gonna meet her, but in the different situation, with the different pit/hole in my heart.

Oh god, I wanna cry.

If you ask the most memorable thing that I can remember, it's always when she called me. She once said that she dreamed about me going to America and lived there happily ever after. I can only laughed and prayed that all her prayers come true. And last month, when she can't remember my sister but she recognized my voice immediately. That moment I wanted to fly to her house and gave her a bone-crushed hug.

What's the point of my long-short story? Actually, I have no idea.

But to be honest with you, I don't really care about my day. The day when I supposed to be happy and have a party to celebrate my maturity. Eventhough, I still appreciate it when you guys congratulate me. At least you remember about me.

But, I will be more than grateful, no I will bow to you, if you guys pray for my grandmother's pure soul, so she can rest in peace. At least no more diseases can hurt her. No I don't wanna see her suffer in the end of this world later. And for us, for my all family to be strong and believe that this is not the end, absolutely not good bye, but we will meet her again in afterlife. Amin.

See you next time, grandma!
We love you.
And thanks. For everything.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

6 Fucking Months Later...

Oke. This is outrageous. Gak ada ngeblog 6 bulan ko pikir. Manusia macam apa ini? 6 bulan loh. Itu bukan waktu yang sebentar coba. Sorry, a lot of apologize, especially for myself. :(

Alasannya sebenernya simpel aja. Gak ada niat buat ngeblog. Jujur, selama 6 bulan terakhir, well how I can say this, some parts of me have changed. Good or bad thing? I don't know either if you ask me. Yang penting ada lah perubahan. Salah satunya ya niat online di laptop, seperti ngeblog. Tapi, pas aku tau ada Blogger app buat Android (Yes, I have one. And YES, this is too late), langsung aja pake kesempatan buat nulis. Mumpung, malem minggu dan baru selesai ujian kimia. Sebenernya minggu depan ada 3 mata pelajaran lagi sama tes olimpiade (and FYI I'VE GOT ANOTHER GEOGRAPHY WAHOOO), cuman kapan lagi kalo bukan sekarang, yagak?

Soo, how are you doing right now? Mine's good. Walaupun selama 6 bulan terakhir bisa dibilang juga bad semester for when I attend high school, I still survived. Just hope for fight another 3 semester yay!

Daan, lagi seneng-senengnya sama Asian invasion, Jepang utama. Sebutin aja. Dorama, anime, sampe visual kei aja aku ikutin. Laruku, GazettE, Alice Nine, Kagrra, MUCC, One OK Rock, SuG, AnCafe, Dir En Grey, Home Made Kazoku, X Japan, ViVid, and others. Dorama? HUAHAHAHAHA. Sebutin aja. Hana Kimi 2007, Hana Yori Dango, Nobuta Wo Produce, Ouran, and others that I believe I already watch for like 10 dramas.(insert Arashi and Kat-Tun. Laughs.)

Sebenernya Korea itu mainstream, don't blame me though, that's fact, tapi ada lah yang bikin gregetan haha. Sekarang lagi seneng-senengnya EXO, Super Junior, Big Bang sama 2NE1. Kenapa cuma mereka? Well, EXO got my interest because of Dwer, they really are cute (찬열~). Super Junior because of their funny behaviour, I watched their some sort of variety shows and they are fuckingly lose control of making me laugh. Big bang because their sense of techno electro is superb, I'm not lying. And 2NE1, goddamn. The only girl band that I wish only them are exist in this planet karena sangking shittynya girlband girlband sekarang. Their outfits makes me kill myself. *le sigh cause I don't have their closet*

Tapi tetep. Alternative selalu di hati. Rata-rata visual kei kan musiknya anjritkerendewabaguskalikenapasampaigakadaproduserduniayangmaubawamerekaworldwidecoba. But in order to improve my english, lirik-lirik ke album-album Fueled By Ramen lama ialah ide yang sempurna. Forgive Durden and Phantom Planet are the best. Radiohead juga. Sex Pistol juga. Mereka semua terlalu keren. Thanks to Syndicate boys, mulai mengenap Punk Goes Pop juga hehehe. Telat but there is no late as long as it's awesome, right? :) Bagaimanapun juga, pada akhirnya aku dengan setia menunggu P!ATD rilis album baru yang katanya udah selesai rekaman YEAAAAAHHHH!!!!!

Hei, segini aja dulu gimana? Jadi inti dari semua ini, I'm perfectly fine, although there are some days that infurates me. I tried to do my best after I made this post! :) Sebenernya di dalam otak ada rencana bikin 2 post lagi, 1 fanfic 1 resolusi. But let's see if we can handle it this month. Oh yeah, for readers, thank you so much for reading this blog!!! just try to not being a silent one. Eventhough silent is gold, but your voice is a platinum for me. :)

Thank you very much, hope blog you later! :)

P.S.: Me and bubbles in the middle of movie shoot. Ah. Memories. ;)

Thursday, June 28, 2012

3 Months After, I'm Coming Over!

KYAAAAAA!!!!!! Gila ini udah lama gak update. soo sorry!! ini udah..... 3 bulan? damn, i'm so lazy. too lazy actually. sori banget deh, walaupun alasannya klise abis seperti yang udah dibilang di beberapa post lalu, but still... it is true. sebenernya, there are a LOT (and this state i really mean it, a LOT) of stories to tell. mulai dari Persia, ramalan dari Bu Ana (actually kinda think that she is true. yay her), pada saat ke Jakarta dan Tanjung Pinang, dimana di sana ngalamin hal-hal yang gak banget (more stories later).
Tapi kali ini aku pengen cerita tentang AFS dulu. yap, AFS. program pertukaran pelajar yang bisa ke Amerika dan udah aku tunggu sekitar 3 tahun? yap. I failed. But actually it was a good story, you know. 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Count Me Away Before You Sleep - Chapter 4

Title:Do You Like Jazz At All?
Author: Me
Characters: Sarah, Brendon, Ryan, Spencer, Jon
Rating: NC-17
Length: 1659 words
Summary: She have it again! And now, takes places in Chicago, Saturday Night, 2008, now you know what I mean.
Author's Note: The best moment ever, and the most cheezy fic i've ever write. pas buat chapter ini, memang pengen ngerasain banget gimana rasanya kita nonton dan masuk jadi cameo film ehehehe. i hope you guys enjoy it!

Don't you just still starving at them, do ya?

I Know You Guys Are So Nice

So...... i have a new look on my blog. little more me.
the background's nice. 12 P!ATD's Fever songs cards from Fever deluxe box.(BOY i wish i could have it)
the gifs are.. how could i say. i cried with it. literally.
and, the last and the least....
the advertiser.

NO. I don't wanna make my own sweet blog to be so trashy with the ads no i don't want to. but there is a special reason why i wanna put those.
yes. money. classic. all of you wants some.

before all of you left this site because i'm getting more shitty and cheesy than ever, hold on for a sec.
Like all of you, i need money too. I need them more than i need myself. i have to pay the internet all by myself. and also, i don't wanna made my parents got so dizzy because their problems are manymanymanymuch too, i bet you guys feel  the same too.

i know that you, whoever read this blog, and thank you so much for view it, are so nice. you want getting yourself into this blog. i appreciate it very much. really i do. now if you guys just click the ads for a while, hold on for a sec until the shitty site appears, and then you can exit it as fast as you can, I give all my life for you. literally love you. :-)

hugs and kisses so much.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Count Me Away Before You Sleep - Chapter 3

Title:Wear Me Out
Author: Me
Characters: Sarah, Alice, Alice's Grandma
Rating: NC-17
Length: 1007 words
Summary: She had been back to her ordinary world and find out to know why she could feel her reality dream. Since Alice had it from her grandma, so let's see we we could know about.
Author's Note: Disarankan untuk membaca ini sambil mendengarkan The Ballad Of Monalisa. I don't know why, but it works on me. Ini udah berusaha banget supaya tidak terdengar klise, mudah-mudahan yang baca juga merasa begitu :-)

Read, review, comment!

Count Me Away Before You Sleep - Chapter 2

Title: Dreams
Author: Me
Characters: Sarah, Brendon, Grace (Brendon's mom), Boyd (Brendon's dad)
Length: 1485 words
Summary: Sarah has been joined a whole new dimesion that she ever had ever since she had dreaming about. Meet with Brendon Urie who still 17 years old and didn't know he will be famous. She even found herself in a place she never had known. And also, meet with his parents.
Author's Note: Awawawawawaw. Reaally great to having a big post like this yaay! Maaf banget kalau ceritanya agak basi. tapi dikomen, dan direview ya :-)) indonesian, but the conversation is all english. so i hope you all know what is this all about.

Allow yourself to read.