Sunday, December 11, 2011

Starstruck in The Awkward Way (Chapter 9 - How Can I Melt Your Headaches?)

Oh my God I haven't post in this blog for a month. Apologize!
So sorry for the heck of the month because I had a lot of work to do, yet I still don't understand why a freshman in Indonesia's high schools got torched by teachers with their task and homeworks and tests and quizzes. I still had a debate thingy thatsurelyidon'twannatalkaboutit and also Rohis job. Yes, I'm busy but hey, I'm on now. actually this is pretty risky because on next Monday i still had few of semester exams until Wednesday. If you know what, these exams starts on last Tuesday. so, we kinda like have 16 subjects to exam in 8 days NOT in a row, thank God for a Sunday. so yeaah, just pretend it the reason why i don't post lately is clear enough.

this time i wanna continue my pretty ol' fan fiction. still remember Starstruck? and here's the next chapter of it and walla, i haven't done it for months. for a little bit of truth, when i read this while ago, i was like "WHAT ARE YOU THINKING ABOUT? this is so ridiculous." and i just wrote it 4 or 5 months ago! so i was wondering, if i finish it now, or in this case, the end of the chapter, that would be fine. BUT, i still consider about your opinions. so shot a blast for me, tell me the right decision to continue it or not.

that's all the news i've got.

P.S.: Oh by the way, thank you so much for visiting this blog! almost 4k visitors? super cool.

Chapter 9 – How Can I Melt Your Headaches?
Brendon’s POV
I just can’t stand it anymore. I want to kiss her. Aku harus beranikan diriku sendiri. I leaned her into a kiss, and I thought this is her first kiss. Great. Me, the boy who making out with tons of girls, give this little girl, her first time ever. Since that time, I promise I won’t hurt her forever.
She broke the kiss, and her face turns red. Uh oh, aku yakin dia pasti marah sama aku. WHAT HAVE I DONE? Seharusnya aku tidak menciumnya! Namun, dialah yang memecahkan otakku.
“sorry,” ujarnya pelan.
“what do you sorry for? Instead, I’m the one who have to ask an apologize,”
 “no. you have no fault at all! Maybe I shouldn’t know you from the first place,”
Dia meminta tangannya kembali, dan buru-buru pergi keluar. No, this must not be happening. I have to tell her. Aku menarik tangannya yang mungil. Please girl, don’t leave me alone! I need you.
“what again?” tanyanya pelan.
“Listen! I’ve got to tell you this. I LOVE you. I love you since you were in the toy store, remember? You crush my heartbeat, stuck my lung, and fill my brain! Maybe this is too soon but I’m afraid I can’t see you anymore when I’m leaving Indonesia,” ujarku dengan suara serak hingga menyerupai bisikan. Lama tidak muncul suara darinya.
Dia terisak. She tears out! Tolong, jangan menangis. Jangan sedih! Aku tidak tahu kenapa dia menangis, but please girl, don’t hurt yourself! And especially, don’t hurt me with your tears! Aku mengusap kedua matanya yang sembab. Please girl, don’t cry anymore. I beg on you!
Namun, semakin lama tangisnya semakin menjadi-jadi! I don’t know why the hell is this happen, tapi aku perlu menenangkannya. Aku menariknya kembali, memegang kedua pinggangnya, dan membiarkan gadis itu menangis di atas pundakku.
“okay now dear, shh shh” aku mencoba menenangkannya. Baru kali ini aku bertemu dengan gadis selucu, secantik, dan seaneh ini. I think I’ve more mad at her.
Setelah beberapa saat, akhirnya dia tenang juga. Aku harus tahu kenapa dia bisa menangis saat aku memberitahukan perasaanku.
“wanna tell me why did you cry?” Tanyaku sambil memberinya tisu.
“it’s embarrassing. You will laugh if you hear it,”
“no, I’m not. So, could you tell me?” harapku. Aku memegang tangannya untuk menambah yakinku. I think she’s a sensitive girl.
“actually kinda ridiculous. I’ve never felt like this in whole of my life! A person beside my family who take care of me, buying me an expensive dress which I can’t afford it with all of my money, this dinner, the dance, the duet, and now. It’s just, wow. I don’t know how I owe you. Then, the kiss. That’s…” dia mengambil napas dengan dalam. Too deep. Aku hanya dapat mendengarkan.
“that’s my first time.” Lanjutnya. “the point is, I’m way too impossible to be your girlfriend. You are something, and I’m so nothing to compared. I just can’t take the risk, if you could break my heart or..”
“or what, sweety?” aku menyela sambil mencium keningnya. “I will not take my time to hurt you! There’s nothing impossible. You are very cute, smart, kind hearted, talented, and you could beat my heart. Now you are something for me.”
“but still, you are three years older than me. Have you ever feel awkward about that?”
“no, I’m fine with that. How about you?”
“nope. ”
“so, what are you worrying about?” tanyaku sambil mengggenggam erat tangannya. Tangannya terasa sangat hangat.
“how about your fan girls? I’m sure tomorrow they will kill me! You are so hypnotized to them.” Ujarnya sambil tertawa. Finally, I can hear again your laughs. That cures me a lot.
“I will there to protect you, and yeah, you were kinda like them too, weren’t ya?”
“what? No way! Oh yeah, I am your biggest fans ever, until now. But I’m sooo not like them! Why I have to scream and kill another girl like a cannibal? ” serunya sambil berkacak pinggang. Sekarang giliranku untuk ketawa. Man, this girl even have my sense of humor!
“because I am the good looking one, afterall,”
“hell no! you have too much comfident!”
“if I don’t have it at all, you will not get all this surprise,”
Mukanya terkejut.  “As in HA HA. sorry. I’m not looking for a boy in money,”
Ternyata Keri ialah cewek yang sarkastik! I love that kind of girl, actually.
“of course. I love you by who you are, not what you are,”
“well, thank you so much for understanding me,” Jawabnya tersenyum.
I kissed her once again on her cheek. She deserves better than it. Akhirnya semua gelisah telah hilang, which it’s replaced with all of good things, and love of course.
“so, is this mean we’re officially in a relationship?” tanyaku.
“what do you think?”
“I ask you, silly!” aku mencubit pipinya. She is just so cute with it.
“well, since I admire you for a long time, I think that as a yes?”
“why are you so confused?”
“do you think we’re a couple now?” tanyanya kembali. Man, this girl..
“yeah with me.”
“so, the answer is yes.” Jawabnya sambil memegang kedua tanganku. She still don’t forget to smile.
And I feel like I’m on the seventh cloud.

Keri’s POV
Aku tidak percaya apa yang telah aku rasakan dan lakukan semalam. Apakah itu hanya mimpi? Atau khayalanku saja? Jangan sampai ini ialah kenyataan. Aku tidak dapat berpikir dengan jernih saat ini. Ah, aku seperti orang mabuk saja.
Sekarang sudah pukul delapan pagi, dan aku belum melakukan satu gerakan pun. Mungkin karena aku baru kembali ke kamar pada pukul setengah dua pagi. Apa lagi alasannya kalau bukan gara-gara vokalis yang terlalu tampan itu. Sial. Aku mencoba mengingat kembali kejadian tersebut. Apakah benar itu realita?
Baru saja aku menginjakkan kakiku ke lantai, dan handphoneku berbunyi. Siapa lagi ini? Kenapa akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali orang yang tidak ingin menungguku mengumpulkan nyawa? Aku mengambil iPhone yang bergetar di atas meja. Ketika kulihat layarnya, hanya berupa rentetan nomor. Siapa yang menelepon?
“hallo?” tanyaku dengan malas. Aku tidak gampang berbohong.
“good morning sunshine! Ready to go some place today?” seru suara di seberang sana.
“siapa ini?”
“what did you say? You know I don’t know anything about your language,”
ASTAGA! Ini Brendon! Satu-satunya orang yang berada di sekelilingku saat ini yang tidak pandai berbahasa Indonesia hanyalah dia. Bagaimana dia bisa tahu nomorku? Bagaimana cara dia meneleponku?
“what.. why.. how.. ”
Tawa menghiasi pertanyaanku yang gagap ini. “I’ve got your number when you were sleeping twenty four hours ago. I saw your phone and I used it for calling mine. Is that okay for you?”
“well, doesn’t matter with me, but why do you call me in this hell morning?” gerutuku.
“is that a wrong thing?” tanyanya, “actually I’m having some breakfast down here and wanna ask you to come.”
“well, you call me when I was just waken up. I don’t even have a shower yet!”
“whoa whoa,” sergahnya dengan tertawa, lagi. Aku benci dia. “slow down, sleeping beauty, do you want me to bring your breakfast again?”
“no, you don’t have to.”
“okay. So, can I pick you up at ten?”
“what happen with that time?”
“I want you to accompany me to our checksound. I think it will be a mess without you.”
Sekarang giliranku yang tertawa. “stop that, Brendon. You saved from anything bad right far before you met me. So I guess that wouldn’t be a problem. But if you want me to come, I will.”
“you will?” tanyanya dengan semangat. Sepertinya dia sangat bergembira mendengarku.
“sure, ten o’clock, and where should I wait?”
“just stay in your room, and I will pick you up.”
“okay. Love you Keri,” tutupnya dibarengi dengan suara telepon putus.
Aku tidak dapat untuk tersenyum mendengar kata-katanya yang diucapkan dengan kekanak-kanakan ini. Beberapa detik yang lalu aku sedang berbicara dengan vokalis berbakat yang membuat setiap wanita pun tidak tahan untuk tidak melihatnya, atau bisa dibilang the boy who can caught my heart. Atau bisa dibilang boyfriend. Hah. Seharusnya aku cukup menolak kenyataan.
Satu jam kemudian. Aku baru selesai keluar dari kamar mandi dan merasakan kesegaran, ketika iPhoneku berbunyi kembali. Seharusnya aku harus mengaktifkan profil silent seperti yang biasa aku lakukan jika membawa handphone ke sekolah. Sungguh, nadanya sangat mengganggu!
“ya hallo?”
“hello. I miss you.”
Apa? Brendon lagi? Apakah dia tidak puas dengan telepon tadi? Lagipula, kami akan bertemu kurang dari satu jam lagi! Apa sebenarnya mau dia?
“Brendon. We’re just having a call for an hour ago. Besides, you will see my face in minutes.”
“I don’t know why but I miss your voice since thirty six hundred seconds ago. I couldn’t stand for that too much of time anymore.” Ujarnya. Dasar.
Aku tertawa geli mendengarnya. “well, you’ve heard me now. So, what’s your point?”
“ouch, that hurt! My girlfriend doesn’t wanna know about me!”
“haha. I think I could ask that when we meet. It sure have more of difference, isn’t it?”
“good one.”
“speaking of which, do you have something to say?”
“open your door now.”
Hah? Kenapa Brendon menyuruhku membuka pintu kamarku? Apakah ada sesuatu di luar? Aku segera membukanya, dan terlihat satu buket bunga mawar merah yang masih segar. Seperti baru saja dipetik. Ini benar-benar kejutan!
“Brendon, did you just sent me flowers?”
“yeah, do you like it?”
Aku bersorak girang di handphoneku. “I love it! It’s still fresh and it’s beautiful.”
“glad you love it. Now hold your door,”
Ada apa lagi ini? Aku disuruh menahan pintu itu? Aku melihat sekitar pintu kamarku, tidak ada apapun di sana. Sepi.
Aku berbalik membelakangi pintu dan memegang handphoneku kembali, “for what?”
“look at your back,”
Aku patuh saja. Dengan refleks aku memutar badanku kembali, dan sosok itu muncul. Bagaimana bisa Brendon berada di sini secara tiba-tiba? Dia benar-benar aneh!
“hi,” sapanya ramah sambil mengangkat iPhonenya yang sangat mirip dengan punyaku. Aku tidak percaya. Kenapa dia bisa berada di dalam kamarku?
“Brendon! Gosh, what a surprise,” jujur, aku kaget.
“well, surprise, girl!” ucapnya dengan nada seperti anak kecil.
“very funny.”
“so, are you ready?”
“yeah, but I haven’t get a breakfast,”
“that’s okay, I brought you this,” ujarnya sambil mengeluarkan tangannya yang lain yang sedang memegang sebungkus onde-onde.
“are you a magician or what? How did you got this?”
Dia tertawa. “I asked Adrie to bought it.”
“that makes sence.”
“now, shall we?” ajaknya sambil menggenggam tanganku. Terasa hangat dan besar.
“okay, I’m ready,”
Kami berjalan melewati ruang tunggu di lobi hotel dan dilihat oleh beberapa orang. Di antara mereka ada yang terkejut, bingung, atau pun jijik. Aku yakin mukaku pasti memerah, dan mereka pasti memiliki pikiran macam-macam tentang kami. Tapi, biarkan saja. Lagipula, aku tidak pernah melakukan apa pun dengan Brendon.
Akhirnya kami telah sampai di tempat parkir. Rasanya hampir ingin mati melewati lobi tersebut.
“what’s wrong, Keri?” Tanya Brendon. Aku tidak sadar telah berada di dalam mobil.
“um, no. hey, is that your iPhone?” tanyaku mengalih pembicaraan sambil menunjuk ke iPhone Brendon di atas dashboard.
“sure, why?”
“can I have It for a while?”
“you are such a kid!” ejeknya.
“a kid calls me ‘kid’. You are kidder!”
“well, I am kid and funny,”
“yeah, right.” Sahutku sambil memutar mataku. “so, can I have it for some time?”
“of course.”

Brendon’s POV
Jujur. Aku tidak dapat berkonsentrasi sekarang. Karena wanita di sampingku, serta dengan apa yang telah terjadi dua hari yang lalu dan kemarin. Melihat Keri tersenyum memainkan handphoneku seperti anak kecil yang baru dibelikan mainan membuatku hampir kehilangan akal. God, her smile looks gorgeous. Aku tidak tahu apa yang dia perbuat dengan iPhoneku, tetapi mudah-mudahan bukan sesuatu yang fatal.
Akhirnya kami telah tiba di lokasi tempat konser akan diadakan malam ini, tepatnya di Istora Senayan. Semuanya telah menunggu. Zack, Spencer, Dallon, Ian, Adrie, dan kru yang lainnya berada di backstage. I hope they don’t waiting for me.
Aku mengajak Keri untuk berkenalan dengan mereka terlebih dahulu. Rupanya Keri ialah orang yang mudah mendapatkan kenalan baru. Baru saja aku memperkenalkannya, Keri langsung dapat mengobrol dengan mereka semua seperti teman yang tidak pernah berjumpa selama tiga tahun. Baguslah. Berarti aku tidak perlu capek-capek menunggunya akrab dengan orang lain.
Tiba-tiba, aku teringat dengan pertemuan pertamaku dan Keri di Toys ‘R’ Us. Waktu itu kami bertengkar hanya karena sebuah kaset, saat aku ‘menculik’ dia dan mengantarnya ke dalam mobil, saat dia membuka kacamataku dan mengetahui sesuatu yang membuatnya shock berat, dia memukulku di depan pintu, saat dia sakit, saat akhirnya dia mau mengobrol denganku, saat aku mengajaknya jalan, makan malam dengannya, berdansa bersama, saat dia bermain gitar, when I kissed her and tell her what I feel, and now she is my girl now. What a time. Untuk sejenak, aku teringat dengan janjiku pada saat melihatnya bermain gitar. Aku harus dapat menepatinya. I want Keri to be happy for this.
Aku meminta Zack untuk menemani Keri melihat-lihat Istora Senayan karena aku benar-benar sibuk dengan persiapan konser nanti malam. Well, she is my life, but our fans are our priority, dan aku harus professional dalam hal ini.
 I hope she’ll be fine, and there will be no such a thing wrong about it. God, I need some aspirin from her and for her. Please, find me that medicine and melt my headaches!

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