Sunday, November 6, 2011

I Don't Lie To 100 Truths

heyaaaaall! selamat hari raya idul adha! yah walaupun hari ini ketiduran selama 6 jam lebih dan di siang hari, yang seharusnya ada di tempat pemotongan qurban karena besok harinya aku juga motong 4 sapi 1 kambing di sekolah, overall it's fine. 

and i've got some interesting post from Mary Thalia. it's called 100 truths. interesting enough when i read this, and maybe i should took this to minne. so if you wanna know all about me #eaaaa #memangada?, so here you go.

1. Real name - Fiha Ruzieqna
2. Nickname - Fiha / Uzie

3. Zodiac sign - Leo
4. Male or female - female
5. Elementary School - SDN 001 Tg. Balai Karimun / SDN 006 Sekupang Batam
6. Middle School - SMPN 6 Batam / SMPN 1 Karimun / SMPN 6 Batam
7. High School - SMAN 1 Batam
8. Hair/Eye color - Black / Dark Chocolate, just like Brendon =)
9. Tall or short - a little bit of shorty
10. Arts or Sport - Sport
11. Sweats or Jeans
 - Jeans
12. Phone or Camera - Phone
13. Health freak - nope.
14. Orange or Apple - Orange
15. Do you have a crush on someone - Brendon Boyd Urie + George Ryan Ross III = Ryden Exist
16. Eat or Drink - drink
17. Piercings - ears
18. Pepsi or Coke - coke
19. Been in an airplane - yup
20. Been on a tv - local TV -_-
21. Been in a car accident
 - already
22. Been in a first fight - with my own sister... until now.
23. First piercing - ear
24. First best friend - Dita Pradini, now she's in Kalimantan (ah, miss her!)
25. First award - most talkative less meaningful person that my family had
26. First crush - um..........................
27. First word
 - mama papa.
28. First birthday wish this year - having all Panic! At The Disco merchandises, and meet them
29. Last person you talked to in person
 - mom
30. Last person you texted - Tiyara Nurul Rizki
31. Last persons you watched a movie with - my own self
32. Last food you ate - Beef (DUH! It's Eid Adha)
33. Last movie you watched - Panic At The Disco ...Live In Chicago
34. Last song you listened to
 - Time To Dance
35. Last thing you bought - Beng-Beng, 4 days ago
36. Last person you hugged - mom


37. Food - all, as long as it's halal
38. Drinks - tea
39. Bottoms - long jeans and long skirts
40. Flower - Lily
41. Animal
 - nah. not a fan of
42. Colors - gray
43. Movies - Harry Potter, ALWAYS.
44. Subjects - english and chemistry and (i hope) math

(Put an X in the brackets if yes)

45. [X] fallen in love with someone.
46. [   ] celebrated Halloween.
47. [X] had your heart broken.
48. [X] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [X] had someone question my sexual orientation.

50. [X] crying on public
51. [X] eaten a whole pizza.
52. [X] tried to do something, but couldn’t succeed.
53. [X] did something I regret.
54. [X] broke a promise
55. [X] hid a secret.
56. [X] pretended to be happy.
57. [X] met someone who changed your life.
58. [   ] pretended to be sick.
59. [X] left the country.
60. [X] tried something you normally wouldn’t try and liked it.
61. [X] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [X] ran a mile.
63. [X] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [X] got into an argument with your friends.
65. [X] hated someone.
66. [X] stayed single for a whole year.


67. Eating - brownies
68. Drinking - mineral water
69. Listening - Time To Dance, for 1463953248 times.
71. Plans for tonight
 - prepare for qurban tomorow
72. Waiting


73. Want kids - uh....... not want it so badly.
74. Want to get married? - as long as the person is Brendon or Ryan or both, YES!
75. Careers in mind - forensic doctor, translator.


76. Lips or eyes - eyes
77. Shorter or taller - taller
78. Romantic or spontaneous - spontaneous
79. Nice stomach or nice arms - arms
80. Rich or Fame - as long as he can make me happy
81. Hook-up or relationship?
 - relationship
82. Looks or personality? - personality


83. Lost glasses/contacts - hope not
84. Snuck out of the house - haha..... yes.
85. Held a gun/knife for self defense -  scissor
86. Sleep 24/7 - yes
87. Broken someone’s heart
 - yes. sorry and no sorry
88. Been in love - hahaha.
89. Cried when someone died - yes, and it hurts


90. Yourself - process
91. Miracles - always
92. Luck - yes, as long as it from Allah

93. Heaven
 - 100%
94. Santa Claus - no, i believe in Muhammad
95. Sex on the first date - why?
96. Kiss on the first date - no, just why?


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now? - i had tons of guilty pleasures.
98. Do you know who your real friends are? - of course
99. Do you believe in God? - YES. ALLAHU AKBAR!
100. Post as 100 truth - done.

Now You Know Me.

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